Intensive Support (Safeguarding)

Safeguarding – Working together to ensure that we are doing everything we can so that learners, staff and visitors to our site are protected from harm and feel safe. The Government provides statutory guidance on how to achieve this in addition to local strategies and procedures outlined by the authorities we work very closely with. It is important to us that everyone who comes to the Grimsby Institute feels safe, supported and valued.

The Intensive Support team are available via the duty mobile on 07920 860 241. This is the numbers to call if you require immediate advice or support. You can also contact us via the safeguarding email address;

The team are based in 0A02d and are available Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm.

Reporting A Concern

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Friday 8.30am: 4.30pm
Duty Safeguarding Contact Number: 07920 860 241
Safeguarding email address:

Report a Concern (Out of Hours)

Young Minds Matter Crisis Text Service: 85258
YMM Crisis Line: 01472 252570
The Samaritans: 116 123 (available to speak 24/7 any day, anytime)
Single Point of Access Crisis support: 01472 256256 (adults)

The following links will provide you with useful information and important contact details.

Drugs and Alcohol

Referrals can be made over the phone or via email ( More information can be found on the below link.

Mental Health Services

For advice and support, call Young Minds Matter on 01472 252570 or follow this link for more information. In case of a crisis, contact the Adult Services Crisis Team on 01472 256256 or visit


Follow the link for more information on housing related support services. Referrals can be made by calling the Home Options Team on 01472 326296

The Carers Support Centre

The Carers’ Support Service is the main port of call for Carers in Northern Lincolnshire. There is a range of free and confidential practical and emotional support on offer. Take a look through the website to see what support is available.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection

  • Visit our Safety Centre for advice and to report directly to CEOP, by clicking on the CEOP logo.
  • The Grimsby Institute has a Prevent Champion who attends Multi-Agency Prevent Board meetings.
  • We have strong partnerships with each of the Local Authorities we work with, as well as Social Services and the Police
  • The Intensive Support Team attend Child Protection Conferences, Core Groups, Child in Need meetings, Strategy meetings, LAC reviews and PEP meetings in order to fully support our learners.
  • The Intensive Support Team works with a range of statutory, voluntary and community organisations to ensure that our learners are safeguarded in a way that meets their individual needs and circumstances.
  • We have robust internet filters and monitoring in place.
  • The Grimsby Institute has a Safeguarding Committee that meets every half-term to coincide with Group Safeguarding and EDI meetings held termly.
  • We have procedures in place for those who access our site including ID badges displayed by staff, learners and visitors. Anybody failing to display their ID badge is challenged.
  • The Institute has a robust Safeguarding Policy which is updated annually in line with KCSIE updates and as required where there are changes to guidance.
Tamarra Taylor

Ann Hardy

Designated Lead

Tamarra Taylor

Tamarra Taylor

Group Executive Director of Learner Services

Amy Beels

Sacha Mills

Group Head of Safeguarding

Tamarra Taylor

Anjuli Atterby

Intensive Support Officer

Need more Safeguarding Information?

If you are looking to gain further information about safeguarding at the TEC Partnership, please visit

Inclusion Team

The inclusion team offers support in the classroom, workshop or exam hall. Learners who indicate on an application form that they have such a need will be assessed and offered appropriate support in a friendly and sensitive manner.

The services provided by the inclusion team include –

  • Practical advice and support for physical disabilities and specified learning difficulties such as ADD, AHD, Asperger’s, dyslexia and other medical or mental health conditions
  • Help to access specialist equipment for your course
  • Support in the classroom and in the wider Institute environment
  • Support for visual or hearing impairments

Success Coaches

Success Coaches are here to help you with any aspect of your student life, including any issues or concerns that you may have.

A Success Coach will be allocated to every full-time learner and will be responsible for assisting with pastoral support, academic progress and overall welfare while offering guidance throughout your time at Grimsby Institute. All learners will have regular meetings with their Success Coach to review progress and set targets

that will help towards both short-term and long-term goals. These meetings are also a good opportunity to discuss any additional support that you may require and can include:

  • Worries about your course
  • Additional learning support needs
  • Friends and relationships
  • Health issues (physical, mental or emotional)
  • Self-esteem and confidence
  • Financial difficulties
  • Family and home issues
  • Plans for the future

Success Coaches can also support learners with their chosen progression route, whether that is continuing further education, applying for university, apprenticeships or employment. Your Success Coach will deliver weekly group tutorial sessions for your class, which will cover a wide range of topics relating to your personal development.

Counselling Service

We have a dedicated counsellor who offers all learners access to a confidential counselling service, covering all aspects of mental health and emotional wellbeing. If this is something you feel you may be interested in, then please contact 0800 315 002.

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