News & Events
On 13th September 2021, we wrote to all returning students cancelling our no detriment policy which was in place during 2020/21.
I would like to welcome you back to your studies. We are back to delivery as normal in the University Centre, or in the normal way that your qualification is delivered. We are not operating in a bubble system and masks are not mandatory. However, we encourage you to wear masks when moving around the building and in crowded areas and to respect others wishes in terms of social distancing. Like all education settings we are working closely with public health professionals and monitoring the Covid situation and, of course, if the situation changes we will let you know.
As a result, we have drawn to a close our no detriment policies which were in place last year. We will, of course, monitor the situation in terms of Covid 19 and make any adjustments that the situation dictates as the year progresses.
We had relaxed the evidence criteria needed for mitigating circumstances and short extensions last year. These have returned to normal and are detailed in your programme handbook which your tutor will provide to you during orientation.
For students on TEC Partnership Foundation Degrees we will be awarding your degrees based on the normal classification calculation.
For students on University of Hull Programmes we will be following their approaches to awarding degrees when these are published. I will write to you again when these are made clear or if there any changes.
During the summer we have made some changes and the HE Success Coaches have been moved to a new hub with some of the other support staff. This hub is in the HE Learning Centre on the ground floor and bringing together the support means that you will be able to find the support you need much more easily.
You can still contact your success coach in the normal with any queries:
Education, Criminology, Psychology, Access to HE and PGCE
01472 311222 ext 2054
Commercial Enterprise, Engineering, Construction, Animal Management
01472 311222 ext 2052
Email sent-29-11-2021
Email sent-12-10-2021
Email sent-13-09-2021
Email sent-14-04-2021
Email sent-26-02-2021
Email sent-19-10-2020
Email sent-14-08-2020
Email sent 24-04-2020
Email sent-27-03-2020
Email sent-26-03-2020