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The Founder and Director of the Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre (FRPERC). Steve joined the Meat Research Institute (MRI) at Langford in September 1967. Over the past 42 years, he has carried out research into all aspects of food refrigeration ranging from primary chilling to domestic handling. He has also been active in the thermal processing of food including cooking and surface decontamination studies.
Since 1972 he has been at the forefront of computer modeling of heating and cooling processes in food processing. He is the author, or co-author, of over 400 publications, including the co-authorship of the book Meat Refrigeration. He routinely carries out industrial consultancies in all aspects of food processing, including expert witness work.
Although I have qualifications in Mathematics, Physics and Mechanical Engineering I consider myself a Food Engineer after 36 years of working in the area.
My main areas of research interest are:
I also have extensive experience of directly helping industry in the:
My primary work passions are to:
James, C., James, S.J. (1999) The heat pipe and its potential for enhancing the freezing and thawing of meat in the catering industry. International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol 22, pp.414-424.
Ketteringham, L., James, S.J. (1999) Immersion chilling of trays of cooked products. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol 40, pp.256-267.
Göksoy, E.O., James, C, James, S.J. (1999) Non uniformity of surface temperatures after microwave heating of poultry meat. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. Vol. 34:3, pp 149-160
James, C., Nicolaon, M., James, S.J. (1999) Review of microbial contamination and control measured in abattoirs. University of Bristol ISBN 0-86292-498-7 pp.180
James, S.J. (2000) Effective decontamination processes. Proc Hyginic Food Processing Workshop for Engineers and Microbiologists. Jan 11th London.
James, C., Thornton, J. A., Ketteringham, L., James S.J. (2000) Effect of steam condensation, hot water or chlorinated hot water immersion on bacterial numbers and quality of lamb carcasses. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 43, pp 219-225.
Ketteringham, L., James, S.J. (2000) The use of high conductivity inserts to improve the cooling of cooked foods. J. Fd Engineering, Vol. 45, pp. 49-53.
James, C, Göksoy, E.O., Corry, J.E.L., James, S.J. (2000) Surface pasteurisation of poultry meat using steam at atmospheric pressure. J. Fd. Engineering. Vol. 45. pp. 111-117.
Russell, S., Gigiel, A.J., James S.J. (2000) Development of a Fluidised Bed Food Freezing System that can use Air Cycle Technology. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. ISBN 0 85295 438 7
James, S.J., James, C, Jones, S, Swain, M.J.. (2000) Toxin production in fishing vessels. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. ISBN 0 85295 438 7.
Ketteringham, L., James, C, James, S.J. (2000) Using ozone to reduce the bacteria contamination of salad vegetables. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. ISBN 0 85295 438 7.
Purnell, G. & James, S.J. (2000) UV surface decontamination of wrapped and unwrapped meat joints, poultry and lettuce. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. ISBN 0 85295 438 7.
Brown, T., James, S.J. Purnell, G., Swain, M.J. (2000) Improving food cutting systems. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. ISBN 0 85295 438 7.
Göksoy, E. O., James, C., Corry, J. E. L., James, S. J. (2001) The effect of hot water immersions on the appearance and microbiological quality of skin-on chicken breast pieces. International Journal of Food Science and Technology.
James, S.J. (2001) Rapid chilling of pork, theory and design. IIR Rapid Chilling – above or below zero.
James, S.J. (2001) Rapid chilling of food – a wish or a fact. IIR Bulletin Vol. 6, pp. 2-22.
James, S.J., James, C. (2002) Meat Refrigeration. Woodhead Publishing Limited ISBN 1 85573 442 7
James, C., Swain, MVL., James, SJ., Swain, MS. (2002) development of methodology for assessing the heating performance of domestic microwave ovens. Int J Fd Sci Tech. 37, 879-892.
James, C., James, S.J. (2003) Cryogenic freezing. Encyclopedia of Food Science (2nd Ed), Food Technology and Nutrition. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd, London.
James, C., James, S.J. (2003) Heat Processing. Encyclopedia of Food Science (2nd Ed), Food Technology and Nutrition. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd, London.
James, S.J.(2003) Developments in domestic refrigeration and consumer attitudes. Bull IIR 5, pp 4-17.
James, S.J. (2003) BUGDEATH – real data on bacterial kill. Food and Beverage International Oct Supplement Food Safety Europe p 4
A Food Technology graduate and a Senior Research Fellow at the Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre (FRPERC).
Chris joined FRPERC in 1993 and has now been active in food process engineering research for over 16 years. He has carried out studies on rapid cooling, initial freezing points and super-cooling, the use of heat pipes, and tempering among others.
He has also been very active in the thermal processing of food including cooking and surface decontamination studies (particularly the application of steam and hot water interventions for treating meats and produce). He is the author, or co-author, of over 150 publications, including the co-authorship of the book Meat Refrigeration. He carries out industrial consultancies in all aspects of food processing.
Since studying Food Technology at the University of Humberside at Grimsby I have worked for frperc since 1993.
My research experience has covered:
Recent projects have included studies on:
I am currently working on novel food decontamination techniques and supervising student projects in this area.
James, C., Thornton, J. A., Ketteringham, L. & James, S. J. (2000) Effect of steam condensation, hot water or chlorinated hot water immersion on bacterial numbers and quality of lamb carcasses. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 43, pp 219-225.
James, C., Göksoy, E. O., Corry, J. E. L. & James, S. J. (2000) Surface pasteurisation of poultry meat using steam at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 45, pp 111-117.
Göksoy, E. O., James, C. & Corry, J. E. L. (2000) The effect of short-time microwave exposures on inoculated pathogens on chicken and the shelf-life of uninoculated chicken meat. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 45, pp 153-160.
James, C. & James, S. J. (2001) Cooling cooked meats in retail and catering operations. In Rapid Cooling of food, Meeting of IIR Commission C2, Bristol (UK). Section 1, pp85-90.
Göksoy, E. O., James, C., Corry, J. E. L. & James, S. J. (2001) The effect of hot water immersions on the appearance and microbiological quality of skin-on chicken breast pieces. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol. 36:1, pp 61-69.
James, S. J. & James, C. (2002) Meat Refrigeration. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1 85573 442 7.
James, C. (2002) New developments in decontaminating raw meat. Chpt 10, pp259-282. Meat Processing: improving quality, edited by Kerry, J., Kerry, J. & Ledward, D. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1 85573 583 0.
James, C., Lechevalier, V. & Ketteringham, L. (2002) Surface pasteurisation of shell eggs. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 53, pp193-197.
James, C., Swain, M. V., James, S. J. & Swain, M. J. (2002) Development of methodology for assessing the reheating performance of domestic microwave ovens. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol. 37, pp879-892.
James, C. & James, S. J. (2003) Freezing (d) Cryogenic Freezing. Pp2725-2732. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, edited by Caballero, B. & Trugo, L., Academic Press. ISBN 012227055X.
James, C. & James, S. J. (2003) Freezing (f) Structural and Flavor (Flavour) Changes. Pp2735-2740. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, edited by Caballero, B. & Trugo, L. Academic Press. ISBN 012227055X.
James, C. & James, S. J. (2003) Heat Treatment – Chemical and Microbiological Changes. pp3039-3044. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, edited by Caballero, B. & Trugo, L., Academic Press. Second Edition, Elsevier Science Ltd. ISBN 0-12-227055-X.
James, C., Palpacelli, S. & James, S. (2003) Optimisation of two-stage bacon tempering using mathematical modelling. Predictive Modelling in Foods – Conference Proceedings (Eds J.F.M. Van Impe, A.H. Geeraerd, I. Leguérinel & P. Mafart), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/BioTeC, Belgium, ISBN 90-5682-400-7, pp277-279.
Brown, T., Gigiel, A. J., Swain, M. V. L. & James, C. (2003) Practical investigations of two-stage bacon tempering. International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 26:6, pp690-697.
James, C. & James, S. J. (2004) Refrigeration and freezing technology (a) equipment. Pp1144-1150. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, edited by Jensen, W. K., Devine, C. & Dikeman, M., Academic Press, Elsevier Science Ltd. ISBN 0-12-464970-X.
James, S. J. & James, C. (2004) Heat processing methods. Pp599-606. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, edited by Jensen, W. K., Devine, C. & Dikeman, M., Academic Press, Elsevier Science Ltd. ISBN 0-12-464970-X.
James, S. J. & James, C. (2004) Meat marketing (b) cold chain. Pp691-696. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, edited by Jensen, W. K., Devine, C. & Dikeman, M., Academic Press, Elsevier Science Ltd. ISBN 0-12-464970-X.
James, S. J. & James, C. (2004) Meat marketing (d) transport of meat and meat products. Pp696-702. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, edited by Jensen, W. K., Devine, C. & Dikeman, M., Academic Press, Elsevier Science Ltd. ISBN 0-12-464970-X.
James, C., Purnell, G., Hannay, N., James, S. J., Allen, V. M., Barbedo-Pinto, C., Howell, M. & Corry, J. E. L. (2005) Surface pasteurisation of chicken carcasses using hot water or steam at atmospheric pressure in order to reduce levels of Campylobacter spp. and other bacteria. Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms (CHRO 2005), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 4-8th September, 2005.
James, C., Araujo, M., Carvalho, A. & James, S. J. (2005) The heat pipe and its potential for enhancing the cooking and cooling of meat joints. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol. 40, pp 419-423.
James, C., Lejay, I., Tortosa, N., Aizpurua, X. & James, S. J. (2005) The effect of salt concentration on the freezing point of meat simulants. International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 28, pp933-939.
James, C. (2005) On-line physical methods for decontaminating raw poultry meat. Chpt 17, pp393-413. Food safety control in the poultry industry, edited by Mead, G. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1 85573 954 2.
James, S. J. & James, C. (2005) Minimal processing of ready meals. Chpt 27, pp 717-732. Emerging technologies for food processing, edited by Sun, D.W. Academic Press, Elsevier Science Ltd.
Ketteringham, L., Gausseres, R., James, S. J. & James, C. (2006) Application of aqueous ozone for washing pre-cut green peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 76:1, pp104-111.
James, C., Vincent, C., de Andrade Lima, T. I. & James, S. J. (2006) The primary chilling of poultry carcasses – a review. International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 29:6, pp847-862.
James, C., Barlow, K. E., James, S. J. & Swain, M. J. (2006) The influence of processing and product factors on the quality of microwave pre-cooked bacon. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 77, pp835-843.
James, S. J., James, C. & Evans, J. A. (2006) Modelling of food transportation systems – a review. International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 29, pp947-957.
Small, A., James, C., James, S., Davies, R., Howell, M., Hutchison, M. & Buncic, S. (2006) Presence of Salmonella spp. in the red meat abattoir lairage after routine cleansing and disinfection, and on carcasses. Journal of Food Protection. Vol. 69:10, pp2342-2351.
Bulut, S., James, C., Herbert, R. & James, S. J. (2006) Steam surface pasteurisation of pork and chicken portions. Food Factory of the Future 3, Gothenburg, Sweden, 7-9th June.
Small, A., James, C., Purnell, G., Losito, P., James, S. & Buncic, S. (2006) Efficacy of simple methods of cleaning for red meat abattoir lairages. 52nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 13th-18th August, pp353-354, ISBN-10: 90-8686-010-9.
Small, A., James, C., Purnell, G., James, S., Davies, R., Howell, M., Hutchison, M. & Buncic, S. (2006) Serotypes and antimicrobial resistance of salmonella enterica on red meat carcasses and in the lairages after cleaning, in the south-west of England. “Harnessing and exploiting global opportunities”, 52nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 13th-18th August, pp341-342, ISBN-10: 90-8686-010-9.
Purnell, G., Corry, J. E. L & James, C. (2006) Reduction of campylobacters on poultry using steam or hot water heat treatments and subsequent chilling. “Harnessing and exploiting global opportunities”, 52nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 13th-18th August, pp333-334, ISBN-10: 90-8686-010-9.
Purnell, G., James, S., Corry, J. E. L. & James, C. (2006) Development and evaluation of a pilot scale atmospheric steam treatment cabinet. “Harnessing and exploiting global opportunities”, 52nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 13th-18th August, pp599-600, ISBN-10: 90-8686-010-9.
James, C., Corry, J. E. L., Purnell, G. & James, S. J. (2006) Physical intervention methods for reducing pathogens on raw poultry. Symposium on food processing and technology, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2006. Summaries 5: Systems and Technology, K1.06, p1551-1552. CD-Rom of Full Texts, paper 1426.
Brown, T. & James, C. (2006) Tempering of frozen boneless beef blocks. Symposium on food processing and technology, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2006. CD-Rom of Full Texts, paper 1430.
James, S. J., Evans, J. & James, C. (2006) A review of the performance of domestic refrigeration. Symposium on food processing and technology, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2006. CD-Rom of Full Texts, paper 1410.
Purnell, G., Foster, A. & James, C. (2006) Development of an atmospheric steam surface pasteurisation unit. Symposium on food processing and technology, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2006. CD-Rom of Full Texts, paper 1413.
James, C., Palpacelli, S. & Evans, J. A. (2006) Optimisation of multistage food refrigeration operations. Food is life, 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology, Nantes, France, 17-21 September 2006, pp355-356.
Evans, J. A., Russell, S. L., James, C. & Corry, J. E. L. (2006) Microbial contamination of food refrigeration equipment. Food is life, 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology, Nantes, France, 17-21 September 2006, pp21-33.
Corry, J. E. L., James, S. J., Purnell, G., Pinto, C. S., Chochois, Y., Howell, M. & James, C. (2007) Surface pasteurisation of chicken carcasses using hot water. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 79, pp913-919.
Small, A., James, C., Purnell, G., Losito, P., James, S. & Buncic, S. (2007) An evaluation of simple cleaning methods that may be used in red meat abattoir lairages. Meat Science. Vol. 75, pp220-228.
Small, A., James, C., James, S., Davies, R., Howell, M., Hutchison, M. & Buncic, S. (2007) Construction, management and cleanliness of red meat abattoir lairages in the UK. Meat Science. Vol. 75, pp523-532.
James, C., James, S. J., Hannay, N., Purnell, G., Pinto, C. S., Yaman, H., Araujo, M., Gonzalez, M. L., Calvo, J., Howell, M. & Corry, J. E. L. (2007) Decontamination of poultry carcasses using steam or hot water in combination with rapid cooling, chilling or freezing of carcass surfaces. International Journal of Food Microbiology. Vol. 114, pp195-203.
Wilkin, C.-A., Purnell, G., James, S., Howell, M. & James, C. (2007) Changes in microbial distribution and water conditions during the scalding and dehairing of pig carcasses. 7th International Symposium on the epidemiology & control of foodborne pathogens in pork (SAFEPORK 2007), Verona, Italy, 9-11 May 2007, pp257-260.
Small, A., Purnell, G., James, S. J., Howell, M. & James, C. (2007) Routes of salmonellae contamination in pig lairages and the development and evaluation of simple cleaning methods. 7th International Symposium on the epidemiology & control of foodborne pathogens in pork (SAFEPORK 2007), Verona, Italy, 9-11 May 2007, pp320-323.
James, S., Purnell, G., Wilkin, C.-A., Howell, M. & James, C. (2007) Sources of salmonella contamination in pig processing. 7th International Symposium on the epidemiology & control of foodborne pathogens in pork (SAFEPORK 2007), Verona, Italy, 9-11 May 2007, pp295-298.
Tinker, D. B., Dodd, C. E. R., Richards, P., James, S. J., James, C., Wilkin, C-A., Burfoot, D., Howell, M., Purnell, G. (2007) Assessment of processes and operating conditions in UK pork abattoirs. 7th International Symposium on the epidemiology & control of foodborne pathogens in pork (SAFEPORK 2007), Verona, Italy, 9-11 May 2007, pp337-340.
A Mechanical Engineer by training, with over 20 years of experience in Food Process Engineering R&D, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre (FRPERC).
He worked at the University of Bristol from 1987, as a member of the Mechanical Engineering Robotics Group, the Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Research Centre (AMARC), the MAFF Fellowship for advanced food studies, and subsequently FRPERC.
He has built extensive Food Process Engineering experience in both research and industrial consultancy. His activities and skills have covered all aspects of proposing, managing, and performing technical work, and results in dissemination. Graham’s technical interests lie in the development of equipment and automation for handling and processing variable food products. He has also built up substantial experience in food cutting, decontamination, and hygienic primary meat production issues, and has been involved with many R&D projects as diverse as robotic butchery, waste sludge processing, automated systems for hand washing, confectionery slicing, vegetable decontamination and alcoholic beverage cooling. He has written over 60 research papers, and numerous project reports, and is the inventor of 4 patent applications.
My main technical interests lie in the areas of design and development of innovative engineering systems to improve the efficiency and productivity of the food industry. Current interests and projects include:
Prototype surface decontamination units for:
Research and Test equipment for internal use at frperc:
Corry, J.E.L., James, S.J., Purnell, G., Pinto, C.S., Chochois, Y., Howell, M., James, C.(2006). Surface pasteurisation of chicken carcasses using hot water. Journal of Food Engineering. (in press).
Purnell, G., Loeffen, M. (2006). Automation for the modern slaughterhouse.Chapter 3 in Advanced Meat Processing. Ed. Nollet, L and Toldra, F. Publ. Marcel Dekker, New York. (in press).
Small, A., C. James, C., Purnell, G., Losito, P., James, S., & Buncic, S. (2006). An Evaluation of Basic Methods of Cleaning that may be used in Red Meat Abattoir Lairages. Meat Science (in press)
Foster, A.M., Ketteringham, L.P., Purnell, G.L., Kondjoyan, A., Havet, M., Evans, J.A.(2005). New apparatus to provide repeatable surface temperature-time treatments on inoculated food samples. Journal of Food Engineering. (in press)
Purnell, G.L.; Allen, V.; James, S.; Ketteringham, L. (2005). The effects of surface steam treatment on bacterial reduction and storage of beef primals and retail cuts. Journal of Food Engineering. v68, n4, pp 419-427
Brown, T.; James, S.J.; Purnell, G.L.(2005). Cutting forces in foods : experimental measurements Journal of Food Engineering – v70(2)pp165-170
Purnell, G. (2005). Robotic Response to Processing Challenges. Food Processing Intelligence. Spring 2005, p37-39. SPG Media London. ISBN 1-85938-529-X.
James, C., Purnell, G., Hannay, N., James, S. J., Allen, V. M., Barbedo-Pinto, C., Howell, M. & Corry, J. E. L. (2005) Surface pasteurisation of chicken carcasses using hot water or steam at atmospheric pressure in order to reduce levels of Campylobacter spp. and other bacteria. Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms (CHRO 2005), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 4-8th September, 2005.
Purnell, G.; Mattick, K.; Humphrey, T. (2004). The use of ‘hot wash’ treatments to reduce the number of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria on raw retail poultry. Journal of Food Engineering. v62, n1 , March 2004, p29-36. ISSN-0260-8774
Purnell, G.; Brown, T. (2004). Equipment for controlled fat trimming of lamb chops.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. v45, n1-3, pp109-124. ISSN-0168-1699
Purnell, G.(2004). Robotic automation for Pork Primal Cutting. Food Technology International 2004, p54-58. ISSN-1460-3179. ISBN 1-85938-5354
Purnell, G.; Brown, T. (2003). Automation: Meat Processing. New Food. v6, n3, 2003. p80-86. ISSN-1461-4642
Purnell, G.; Brown, T.; James, S. (2001). Cutting edge research. Meat Automation n2 2001. p25-27
Purnell, G.; Brown, T. (2000). Controlled Trimming of Meat: a case study.Proceedings of Meat Automation Concerted Action (MACA) conference. Clermond-Ferrand, France. 17-18 February 2000.
Purnell, G. (2000). Controlled Trimming of Meat: a case study. Meat International – Technical Report -Automation for Meat Fish and Poultry Cutting and Packaging. p46-49
Purnell, G.L. (2000). Developments in decontamination of poultry meat. CCFRA Meat and Poultry 2000 conference – Seminar 1. Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, UK. 17 July 2000
Purnell, G. (2000) Robotic Pork Primal Cutting. CCFRA Meat and Poultry 2000 conference – Seminar 3. Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, UK. 20 November 2000
Purnell, G.; Brown, T.; James, S. (2000). Cutting Research at the University of Bristol CCFRA Meat and Poultry 2000 conference – Seminar 3. Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, UK. 20 November 2000
Purnell, G.; Brown, T.; James, S. (2000). Cutting research at University of Bristol. Proceedings MACA Conference, Malaga, Spain. June 2000
James, S.J., Brown, T.; Corry, J.; Evans, J.A.; James, C.; Ketteringham, L.; Purnell, G. (2000). Surface Pasteurisation of Food Using Steam Condensation. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. Birmingham, UK. September, 2000. p22-25. Publ. IChemE, Rugby. ISBN-0852954387
Purnell, G.; James, S.J.(2000) UV surface decontamination of wrapped and unwrapped meat joints, poultry and lettuce Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. Birmingham, UK. September, 2000. p135-138. Publ. IChemE, Rugby. ISBN-0852954387.
Purnell, G.; James, S.J.(2000) Robotic cutting of hot and cold pork primals.Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. Birmingham, UK. September, 2000. p12-15. Publ. IChemE, Rugby. ISBN-0852954387
Brown, T.; James, S.J.; Purnell, G.; Swain, M.J. (2000) Improving food cutting systems. Proceedings of IChemE Food & Drink 2000. Birmingham, UK. September, 2000. p103-106. Publ. IChemE, Rugby. ISBN-0852954387
Purnell, G. (1999). Recent Meat Automation Activities at FRPERC. Meat Automation Concerted Action (MACA) conference. Parma, Italy. April 1999
Purnell, G.L. (1999) Atmospheric pressure Steam Decontamination. MAFF Seminar Update on Microbial Food Decontamination and Sources of Contamination. FRPERC, Langford Somerset, UK. 29 April 1999
Purnell, G. (1998). Meat Automation at University of Bristol Presentation at 1st Plenary Meeting Meat Automation Concerted Action (MACA). Malaga, Spain. 24-27 February 1998
Purnell, G. (1998). Intelligent Fat Trimming. Proceedings of 1st Future Automation for Meat Processing (FAMP) conference. Frankfurt, Germany. 9-10 June, 1998. Ed. Khodabandehloo, K. Publ. Agricultural and Food Technology Services Ltd, Culmstock, UK. ISSN-0953468402
Purnell, G. (1998). Robotic Equipment in the Meat Industry. Invited Paper. Proceedings of 44th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST 98). Barcelona, Spain. 30 August – 4 September 1998. Ed. Diestre, A.; Monfort, J-M. Publ. Elsevier 1998
Purnell, G. (1998). Robotic Equipment in the Meat Industry. Meat Science. v49 Supplement 1, pS297-S307. 1998. ISSN-0309-1740
Wadie, I.H.C.; Purnell, G.L.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1996). Two Dimensional Modelling of Pig Carcass Spines for Robotic Evisceration. Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. v41, n5/6. p571-578. Publ. Elsevier, 1996. ISSN-0378-4754
Wadie, I.H.C.; Maddock, N.A.; Purnell, G.L.; Khodabandehloo, K.; Crooks, D.A.; Shacklock, A.P.; West, D.J. (1995). Robots for the meat industry. Industrial Robot. v22, n5, p22-26. 1995. ISSN-0143-991X
Purnell, G.; Vranes, S.; Khodabandehloo, (1994). Machine Learning in Robotic Meat Processing. Proceedings of 2nd European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference (Euriscon 94). Malaga, Spain. 22-25 August 1994.v1, p68-77. Publ. University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 1994
Wadie, I.H.C.; Purnell, G.L.; Khodabandehloo, K.; (1994). Two Dimensional Modelling of Pig Carcass Spines for Robotic Evisceration. Proceedings of 2nd European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference (Euriscon 94). Malaga, Spain. 22-25 August 1994. v2, p729-739. Publ. University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. 1994
Purnell, G.; Maddock, N.A; Khodabandehloo, K. (1993). Robotic Cutting of Beef and Deboning. Chapter 5 in Robotics in Meat, Fish and Poultry Processing. Ed. Khodabandehloo, K.; Clarke, P.T. Publ. Blackie Academic & Professional, 1993.ISBN 0-7514-0087-4
Purnell, G.L.; Maddock, N.A.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1993). Robotic Deboning: A Fundamental Approach to Engineering a System. Proceedings of 6th International conference on neural networks and their industrial and cognitive applications – Artificial Intelligence in Food and Agriculture (AIFA 93). Nîmes, France. 27-29 October 1993. p117-126. Publ. EC2, Nanterre, France, 1993. ISBN-2906899976
Purnell, G.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1992) Vision for Robot Guidance in Automated Butchery. Chapter in Robotic systems; Advanced Techniques and applications. p619-626. Ed. Tzafestas, S.G. Publ. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992
Purnell, G.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1992). Robotic Cutting of Meat using Vision Guidance. Proceedings of IFAC Workshop. Automatic Control for Quality and Productivity (ACQP 92). Istanbul, Turkey. 3-5 June, 1992
Brett, P.N.; Khodabandehloo, K.; Purnell, G.; Shacklock, A.P. (1991) Research on the Automatic Cutting and Handling of Food Products. Proceedings International Workshop on Robotics in Agriculture and Food Industry (IARP). Genoa, Italy, June 1991
Purnell, G.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1991) Vision for Robot Guidance in Automated Butchery. Proceedings of European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference (Euriscon). Kanoni, Corfu, Greece. 23-28 June, 1991
Khodabandehloo, K.; Maddock, N.A.; Purnell, G. (1991). Robotic Cutting of Meat.Proceedings of New Meat Processing Technology Seminar, IMechE Seminar, London, UK. 14 November, 1991
Purnell, G.; Maddock, N.A.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1990) Robot Deboning for Beef Forequarters. Robotica (1990). v8, p303-310
Maddock, N.A.; Purnell, G.; Khodabandehloo, K. (1989). Research in Application of Robotics to Meat Cutting. Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Industrial Robots (ISIR). Tokyo, Japan. 4-6 October, 1989. p957-963
Patent Number | Title | Date |
GB 92 25321 | Evisceration | 3/12/92 |
GB 93 24897.9 | An anatomical process | 3/12/93 |
GB 92 25320.2 | A butchery process | 3/12/92 |
EPA 93 309736.2 | A butchery process | 3/12/92 |
GB 92 25319 | Butchery cutting tool | 3/12/92 |
GB 93 24897.9 | An anatomical process | 3/12/93 |
EPA 93 309735.4 | An anatomical process | 3/12/93 |
GB 2273036-A | An anatomical process | 8/6/94 |
GB 2273035-A | A butchery process | 8/6/94 |
GB 95 12073.9 | Surplus Fat Trimming | 14/6/95 |
GB 95 12073.9 | Surplus Fat Trimming | 13/6/96 |
EP 97309968.2 | Positioning System | 17/6/98 |