A foundations year at college enables you to settle into college life. It introduces our ways of working, IT systems and timetables and allows you to become familiar in the new environment at your own pace. This enables you to become more confident and relaxed within a new educational setting.
Group sizes are small, and support is focused on preparation for the future.
The foundations programme is designed around six projects, maths and English, with the sole aim of developing and improving independence skills, life skills, travel training, communication, teamwork, self-management and personal care. Ambition, future plans and targets are also explored and developed within this programme. This includes developing links with other providers and participating in external challenges and events within the local community.
Independence skills are practical sessions held in a bespoke house on college grounds, which has a working kitchen, laundry room, bedroom, bathroom and lounge.
Healthy eating, exercise and fitness are actively promoted through all sorts of sporting activities undertaken on a weekly basis, which are tailored to everyone’s specific needs. Sports include basketball, boccia, table tennis and badminton as well as gym sessions within our sports centre. We also visit and use other sports facilities and leisure centres within the local community.
Following on from the first year, during the second year, learners will experience a variety of pathways at the Grimsby Institute and gain accredited and non-accredited qualifications. The pathways include media, health and social care, performing arts, automotive, hospitality, childcare and more.
Following two years of pathway foundations programmes, learners will enter mainstream courses or continue onto the supported internship programme.
Feel free to contact the Foundations and Working Life department on 01472 311222 ext 5370 or 1261 for more information and to discuss individual learner requirements.
The supported internship programme ensures that you have the right support to begin life as a professional in your chosen career. This is an ideal exit course for those looking for an opportunity to gain vital work experience within a range of vocational positions, with excellent future prospects.
You’ll receive incredible job coach support while on a 260-hour work placement, with a personalised programme of learning which is tailored to suit your individual needs and career aspirations.
The course includes maths, English and ICT, as well as customer service and mental health qualifications. The supported internship programme helps you improve your skills and confidence so that you can go out and find regular paid or voluntary work.